
Maggie Provencher

“Don’t work for recognition, but do work worthy of recognition.”

– H. Jackson Brown Jr.

In the vibrant tapestry of Homeowners Financial Group’s team, certain individuals stand out as beacons of excellence, embodying the very essence of our company values. Today, we shine the spotlight on Maggie Provencher, Corporate Trainer extraordinaire, based out of our Scottsdale, AZ headquarters. Maggie’s journey with us began in August 2016, and since then, she has not only honed her expertise but also played a pivotal role in nurturing our organizational culture. At Homeowners, our values are not just words; they are the guiding principles that shape every aspect of what we do. For Maggie, the “H-E-R” values of Honorable, Encouraged, and Recognized resonate deeply, serving as the bedrock of her professional ethos.

Honorable: A Pillar of Integrity

In every interaction, Maggie upholds the highest standards of ethics and integrity. As an ambassador of our company culture, she leads by example, infusing integrity into every training session and team meeting.

Encouraged: Unleashing Individual Potential

Maggie understands the power of individual talents. With her encouragement, team members are empowered to leverage their unique strengths, enriching the collective tapestry of skills within Homeowners Financial Group.

Recognized: Celebrating Dedication and Excellence

Dedication doesn’t go unnoticed at Homeowners, and Maggie’s contributions are always focused celebrations of others. Her meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to positive outreach and virtual hugs are not just recognized but known throughout the organization.

Daphni Hagen Sales Transition Coordinator/Licensed Mortgage Professional speaks directly about H-E-R with generosity saying, “Maggie is amazing to work with and the most sincere person that I know.  She loves working with charitable organizations and is constantly striving to have fellow Homies also contribute to our ongoing charity efforts. We work together like peanut butter and jelly!!”

In her role as Corporate Trainer, Maggie’s responsibilities are as diverse as they are impactful. From virtual to on-site trainings, she prepares and delivers engaging sessions that inspire learning and growth. Her knack for instructional design shines through in user guides, job aides, and presentations. Through ongoing evaluation and support, she ensures that every participant’s learning journey is meaningful and effective.  “I admire in her consistency, and how no training event is ever too big, or more importantly, ever too small.” Shouts manager Brandon Durham, Director of Training & Business Technology. Adding, The personal care she puts into every learning opportunity is unmatched. Maggie is passionate about people and being a pillar of support, whether that is teaching essential job functions or onboarding, or the greater impact of her charitable efforts in our communities.” Above all, she identifies and addresses the developmental needs of employees, aligning their growth with the core values of Homeowners Financial Group.

Maggie’s expertise spans the breadth of mortgage banking laws, originations, and operations processes. As the editor of our training content library, her keen eye for detail ensures the quality and accuracy of every resource. Effective communication is Maggie’s forte. Whether interacting with trainees, employees, or management, her verbal and written skills leave an indelible mark of professionalism and clarity. In the fast-paced world of mortgage banking, time management is key. Maggie’s impeccable time management skills ensure that deadlines are met with precision, earning her the trust and respect of her peers. Bill Dickens, recently retired Regional Sales Manager tells of the impacts felt, “I love, love, love, working with Maggie. She’s always so organized, never rushed, and always on point!  I know just how easy she has made my life over the years. I have asked many questions I SHOULD know the answer to only to be “set straight”, in the nicest way, from Maggie! The fact she wears so many different hats and gives so much back to the team is extraordinary!  She is just a joy to work with, a very special person.”

Outside the office, Maggie is the vibrant heart of her social circle. Whether planning weekend brunches or cheering for sports events with her husband Sean, she thrives on staying connected with her loved ones. With Maggie, friends are family, and every moment spent together is cherished. Whether it’s the adrenaline of a NASCAR race or the camaraderie of an NFL Sunday, she embodies the spirit of togetherness and joy.

Maggie Provencher epitomizes the essence of excellence at Homeowners Financial Group. Her unwavering commitment to our values, coupled with her exceptional skills and personal warmth, make her an invaluable asset to our team. Here’s to Maggie – a real Homie, a constant personal cheerleader, and a true inspiration.

3 words that best describe Maggie: Supportive. Well-Centered. Delightful.

We are always looking for experienced professionals who are committed to serving the needs of borrowers while maintaining our corporate culture focused on family. If this is you, please contact us at homeownersfg.com/careers for more information on becoming a Homie.

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